Lekcja – Graf cykliczny
actions1 = { 'F1' : ['F2', 'F3'], 'F2' : ['F4'], 'F3' : ['F4'], 'F4' : [] } actions2 = { 'F1' : ['F2', 'F3'], 'F2' : [], 'F3' : ['F4'], 'F4' : ['F1'] } def get_path_between(V, source, dest): list_to_check = [[source]] list_visited = [] while list_to_check: current_path = list_to_check.pop(0) current_node = current_path[-1] if current_node == dest: return current_path else: if current_node not in list_visited: list_visited.append(current_node) for n in V[current_node]: new_path = current_path.copy() new_path.append(n) list_to_check.append(new_path) return [] def get_cycle(graph, node): for neighbour in graph[node]: path = get_path_between(graph, neighbour, node) if path: return path return [] def is_cyclic(graph): for node in graph: if get_cycle(graph, node): return True return False start = 'F1' print(f'Path from {start} to {start} is {get_cycle(actions1, start)}') print(f'Path from {start} to {start} is {get_cycle(actions2, start)}') print(f'Graph 1 is cyclic: {is_cyclic(actions1)}') print(f'Graph 2 is cyclic: {is_cyclic(actions2)}')
why_not = { 'no time' : ['classify priorities'], 'classify priorities' : [], 'no training' : ['attend training'], 'attend training': ['no time', 'no money motivation'], 'no expirience' : ['work on a project'], 'work on a project' : ['no time', 'no training', 'no expirience'], 'no money motivation' : ['work on a project'] } def get_path_between(V, source, dest): list_to_check = [[source]] list_visited = [] while list_to_check: current_path = list_to_check.pop(0) current_node = current_path[-1] if current_node == dest: return current_path else: if current_node not in list_visited: list_visited.append(current_node) for n in V[current_node]: new_path = current_path.copy() new_path.append(n) list_to_check.append(new_path) return [] def get_cycle(graph, node): for neighbour in graph[node]: path = get_path_between(graph, neighbour, node) if path: return path return [] def is_cyclic(graph): for node in graph: if get_cycle(graph, node): return True return False for statement in why_not.keys(): print(f'Path from {statement} to {statement} is {get_cycle(why_not, statement)}') print(f'The graph is cyclic: {is_cyclic(why_not)}')