Lekcja – Drzewa

mission_control = {
    'FC' : ['Engine','Weather','Crew'],
    'Engine': ['Engine Temp','Fuel'],
    'Engine Temp': [],
    'Fuel' : [],
    'Weather' : ['Wind', 'Air Temp', 'Clouds'],
    'Wind' : [],
    'Air Temp' : [],
    'Crew': ['Health','Communication'],
    'Communication': [],
    'Health': []

status = {
    'Engine Temp': True,
    'Fuel': True,
    'Wind': True,
    'Air Temp': True,
    'Clouds': True,
    'Communication': True,
    'Health': True

def can_start(graph, status, start_node):

    if graph[start_node]:
        for node in graph[start_node]:
            if not can_start(graph, status, node):
                print(f'{start_node} - False')
                return False
        print(f'{start_node} - True')
        return True
        print(f'{start_node} {status[start_node]}')
        return status[start_node]

print(f'Can we start? {can_start(mission_control, status, "FC")}')


names = ['1 CEO', '2 Cognitive', '2 Systems', '2 Operations','3 Healthcare', 
            '3 Cloud', '3 Research', '3Security', '3 Storage']

structure1 = [

structure2 = [

structure3 = [

# only one starting node
def get_root(structure):

    the_root = None
    #review all columns
    for c in range(len(structure)):
        #chek how many parents the node has
        number_of_parents = 0
        for r in range(len(structure)):
            number_of_parents += structure[r][c]
        #if the node hasn't parents, it is the root
        if number_of_parents == 0:
            the_root = c
    #return found root or none
    return the_root

def is_tree(structure):
    # get the root, if there is no root, it is not a tree
    the_root = get_root(structure)
    if the_root == None:
        return False

    #visit all nodes, each node should be visited exactly one time
    list_visited = []
    list_to_visit = [the_root]

    while list_to_visit:
        current = list_to_visit.pop(0)
        #if the node was already visited it is not a tree
        if current in list_visited:
            return False
        #add neighbours of current node
        for x in range(len(structure)):
            if structure[current][x] == 1:

    #if we visited all nodes it is a tree
    return len(list_visited) == len(structure)

print('Structure 1:', is_tree(structure1))
print('Structure 2:', is_tree(structure2))
print('Structure 3:', is_tree(structure3))